Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Happy Tuesday!

So I'm again posting while at the Tool Store. There isn't any customers right now, although the phone won't stop ringing, so I figured might as well write in my own blog since I'm reading multiple other blogs.

I might be losing my fellow cashier here at the Tool Store. She is sick of the crap that goes on here and has been applying at other companies. She currently has an interview at another store on Wednesday. I hope she gets the job as that company has room to grow unlike the Tool Store. Although I'm sure our boss will not be happy about it. He's supposed to be hiring a new salesman (actually he was supposed to of hired one last week so that training could happen this week) but that has yet to happen. So who knows what would happen if we did end up losing the other cashier. There is no way I'm working every day. Legally I can't do it anyways. Although that would give me lots of overtime.

I was tempted to apply at the same company that the other cashier but when she mentioned that they were looking for someone long term I knew it wasn't the job for me as I don't want to be long term anywhere right now as it would interfere with my "grand plan". What is the grand plan? My grand plan is to stay at the Tool Store for a bit longer as I enjoy having the staff discount, although see if I can get cut down to part time. However I will get my Serving It Right so that I can get another job part time as a server. Then I am going to save some money and go back to school again (heck third times the charm right?) and get my certificate to do Event Planning. I am then going to combine my Graphic Design Diploma and my event planning and make my own business as a Wedding Planner. But as part of the package deal, I can also make some of the print items for the wedding itself, such as invitations, table numbers, etc. So that is my Grand Plan. It's only a matter of time for me to execute it.

Still haven't heard anything back from my original freelance job. That's the one downfall to working for him. I'll do something and then not hear back for quite a while. It is rather annoying sometimes. Oh well. Nothing I can really do about it.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Yay Guess Who's Grumpy

So I didn't want to post while at The Tool Store but we're so slow at the moment I really don't have anything else to do. Plus if I'm going to be looking for a new/another job while I'm at work, might as well blog about it.
Yesterday was not fun at all. We are currently short staffed at Boss Man is away this week on vacation. The salesmen are pissing me off to no end. I answer the phone by the second ring, the only time I don't answer it is because I'm with a customer. I'm sorry but the customer that is infront of me is more important than the one trying to call on the phone. Plus I wouldn't only direct them to whichever tool department they were looking for.

On a side note, whenever you call a tool store PLEASE do NOT ask for the tool department. I instantly think you are an idiot just for asking that. It is a TOOL STORE. We do not have just one tool department. Okay I'm done with that little rant.

And it's funny because right after I wrote that section, it actually happened. And I know that there are more salesmen in the store than customers. So there is no excuses for not answering the phone.

So needless to say, after yesterday I've been looking for something else with more enthusiasm than before. I know there is one place in a nearby town that is hiring for graphic design. But I would really like to stay within the town I currently live in to work. I know one of the local pizza places is looking for drivers, so I'll be going there with a resume tomorrow. I think I may just have to stick it out for now (as much as I would hate to do that), get my Serving It Right and work as a waitress at one of the new restaurants thats opening up soon. It'll probably be more money per hour than what I currently make, plus I would also make tips on top of that.
In other news though, my uncle sent me a message on Facebook the other day wanting to know if I still did graphic design as he may have a project for me. He's a politician in the next province over, and I've been meaning to do some work for him for a while now. So hopefully it actually works out.

Speaking of freelance work. I still haven't heard from that friend about making the brochure for him. Not too sure what is happening there. I should probably message him and find out.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

You Gotta Start Somewhere....

So this is my first post on my blog. Kinda funny that it took almost a week for me to write my first blog entry. But thats the way my brain works sometimes. Plus I've been busy trying to get a freelance design job.
I work as a cashier at a tool store. But the pay isn't as good as I would like it to be, so I'm going to attempt to put my Graphic Design diploma to good use and get some freelance work on the side. At the moment I have finished my business proposal to an assembly/merchandising company to create a brochure for them. Hopefully they accept the proposal, as I have done other design work for this company in the past. Most importantly, making their logo and a couple post card flyers. So I don't see why they wouldn't hire me for this job. I never knew that trying to find a sample business proposal was so difficult to do. But I was able to sign up for the right website that actually sent me a template to create a proposal, and with some editing I was able to change it to fit in well with the image that I am trying to make for the graphic design aspect of my life. There are other aspects that are brewing in the background but have yet to surface due to lack of money. But hopefully they will rise soon.